Monday, March 1, 2010

Overheard in TV World

Female TV Producer 1: You bought a 600 dollar pair of boots?!
Female TV Producer 2: (Pause) Yeah.
Female TV Producer 1: The ones with the buckle?
Female TV Producer 2: Yeah.
Female TV Producer 1: Oh. That's a good buy.


Medoman said...

Dear sir,

I have read your numerous blog entries and have found them to be quite amusing; so much so, in fact, that I daresay they are the funniest blog entries in modern recorded history .

Please write more so I, along with the other internet mole people, may read more of your heroic tales. Seriously, they're effin hilarious.

QMC said...

Thanks, Medoman. I appreciate your exaggeration and flair. Shine on!